Home Improvement

Benefits of using timber cladding on your home

According to some research, timber cladding has been used since the 5th century on Anglo-Saxon homes, and is still a widely used feature on homes today. Something with this longevity must be good, so we are going to run through some of the benefits of using timber cladding on your home, and maybe convince you to take this route on your own home.

What is timber cladding?

Timber cladding is a process that is used to clad homes or properties to give them a fantastic and often classic look. You can have exterior timber cladding, as well as interior timber cladding, it’s a very versatile part of construction and looks great too. Timber cladding is becoming increasingly popular as a replacement for brick or rendered finishes on homes and properties.

As well as the aesthetic benefits, timber cladding is also advantageous as it will protect the walls of your property from moisture and penetration of air. We are now going to guide you through the range of benefits of using timber cladding.

Eco-friendly option

Being eco-friendly and kind to the environment is more important than ever in the modern era, and timber cladding is an eco-friendly solution to finishing your property.

When it comes to the types of cladding that are available to use, wood and timber cladding is the most environmentally friendly option for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, a lot of the common trees that produce wood used for cladding grow back extremely quick. This is for trees such as cedar and larch, that you will often see being used to create timber cladding. The fact that these trees grow quickly means that they are sustainable resources, which is environmentally friendly.

Furthermore, the production of timber cladding, in comparison to other types of cladding, is much more energy efficient, because the creation of the wood uses less energy.

Finally, a positive environmental factor to using timber is that it is biodegradable. This means that if your cladding does not remain on your house forever, and finds itself in a landfill – it will eventually decompose into a compost like substance, which is much better for the environment.

There are environmental credentials that you can look out for when you are purchasing timber cladding, such as PEFC.

PEFC is the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification and it is dedicated to providing sustainable forest management, meaning that the products with this certification came from a sustainable source.

There are many certifications to look out for, some of them due to the location that the wood comes from, but you can spot these certifications and research them to ensure that your timber is eco-friendly. If the environment is high on your list when you are building or renovating your property – timber cladding is the solution for you.


If you are building or renovating your home, one of the things at the top of your priorities will likely be durability. You want the features of your home to last as long as possible, to save money on repairs and replacements. Timber cladding is certainly a durable option when it comes to the finish of your house.

Timber cladding is expected to last for 40-60 years – which is of course an extremely long time! This is providing that you look after your cladding and ensure that it is properly maintained. There is a huge range of different types of timber that can be used to produce cladding, but it is common knowledge that if you get good quality timber, you will be using a durable and long-lasting solution. The weather that your cladding will face is of course a factor to consider when thinking about durability. This is because if any wood, no matter the quality, is consistently exposed to water, it’s life span will reduce.

Some other things that will negatively affect your timber cladding are rotting, insects and fungal problems. However, to combat these things, you can use timber treatments, which will mean that your maintenance will be much less than if you do not treat your cladding. 

Aesthetically pleasing

There are a number of reasons that timber cladding will give your home a unique and fresh look that you cannot achieve with any other material. The first and certainly most unique reason that timber cladding is amazing is the fact that if you choose to not decorate your cladding in any way, it will actually change tone and look as it weathers and ages – producing beautiful, natural changes in your cladding. This is something you certainly cannot achieve with any other type of finish on your home.

So, there are benefits of leaving your cladding natural, as you have read above, but on the flip side, timber cladding is also customisable if you want it to be. You are able to paint and stain timber cladding, meaning that you can make this feature of your home look however you want. If you love change, you can even update and alter the colours of your timber as often as you want – you don’t have to take it down and change it to have a new style!

As well as being able to change the colour of your cladding, it is also an extremely versatile feature, as it can be styled and shaped into almost any way. This is of course due to the fact that it is wood, so you are able to make pretty much any size and shape that you desire. It is also often available in different patterns and styles, so this wide range of variables means that you are able to experiment with timber cladding and design it in any way you please.


Now we have taken you through a number of fantastic reasons to invest in timber cladding – the decision is up to you. If you want durability, an eco-friendly solution and something that you can personalise and change, timber cladding is most definitely the way to go.