Pest Control

Use of Pesticides and Health Complications You Must Know

With the ever-increasing number of pests around the world, use of pesticides has become inevitable. No matter how hard you keep trying to get rid of pests; they keep bothering you with their presence anyhow. However, killing them all is not a suitable option when you have other methods too. 

Log on to websites such as to get more information on many other methods to control pest infestation at your place.

However, there are certain health complications with the use of pesticides that you must not ignore.

  1. There are different types of pesticides – solid, powder, spray or liquid. Each type will tell you how it can enter your body, directly or indirectly. If you consume food or drink that was exposed to a toxic pesticide, you have allowed the poison to enter your body. Also, eating, drinking or smoking after the use of pesticide can ingest the toxic chemicals in your body. 
  2. Any direct skin contact with pesticides will cause you skin allergies. These pesticides are mostly in powder form that must be present on your clothes in closets or other surfaces. Powder form of pesticide is mostly used as ant-killers or bug-killers. If you touch any surface on which this powdery substance is used, you may ingest it indirectly.
  3. Soon after spraying a pesticide, the whole environment smells of strong chemicals. These chemicals are mixed up with the dust and other things. You can ingest them in your body by inhaling in such places. This can cause nausea, dizziness, headache, vomiting and other allergies.  
  4. Your eyes can be a next to primary concern when you are using a pesticide. Sprays can directly enter your eyes. Even if you rub your eyes after using a pesticide can allow the chemicals to enter your eyes through your hands. This can cause sore-eyes, eye-redness, eye-irritation and watery eyes. Some people also keep sneezing due to eye-irritation. 
  5. If the chemicals enter your body after using a pesticide, you must immediately rush to a nearby hospital. Certain symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, severe headache, vomiting, stomach cramps, blurred vision, diarrhea, excessive sweating and excess saliva will tell you there is something definitely wrong. You might not get all of these symptoms, but two to three are more than enough for you to see a doctor immediately.
  6. People have reported chronic poisoning symptoms that are quite different from the ones mentioned as in point 5. These symptoms include a lot of fatigue, muscle weakness, mental confusion, and a feeling of being unwell. These may not arise all of a sudden, but may happen in due course of time. Go see a doctor if you are bothered by any of these symptoms within a week’s time. 
  7. Remember, the degree of poisoning depends on the degree of exposure to chemicals, form and contents of pesticide used and of course the age and health of the person. Many symptoms are not related to pesticide ingestion. However, you will still need a doctor’s opinion in this regard. It is only your doctor who can do the correct diagnosis.
  8. To conclude, health complications arise in those either who are directly exposed to the toxic pesticides or the ones who are pretty vulnerable and are already suffering from other health conditions or allergies. Most of the pesticides have very strong chemical contents and hence using them without any protection gear can directly expose you to toxicity. You will really need to read all the instructions carefully before using any pesticide. Wear the appropriate protection gear to avoid any chemical ingestion.