
Entertaining Large Groups in Your Garden

19th July marks what has been dubbed “Freedom Day” for the different countries of the UK and this means that the majority, if not all, of the coronavirus restrictions that were in place have either been lifted or reduced. If you are not comfortable about hosting large groups in your home just yet, then the wonderful weather makes this an ideal opportunity to organise a large group get together in your garden.

Depending on where you are in the UK make sure that you follow the new rules; in England and Wales there is no limit on how many people you can meet up with outdoors, in Scotland up to 15 people from 15 different households can meet outdoors and in Northern Ireland up to 15 people from 10 households can meet up in a garden (but not until after 27th July).

So if you are looking forward to entertaining a large group in your garden now that you can, and whilst the weather allows, here are some pointers.


Whenever you host a larger gathering you will undoubtedly have plenty of guests who will be happy to walk around and mingle, but you will also have those who prefer to sit down with a drink. Make sure that you have enough seating to accommodate your guests. Outdoor furniture comes in a wide range of shapes and sizes with plenty of options to suit every type of garden. If you are planning on hosting lots of gatherings in your garden, or you love to eat alfresco with your family then you will probably want to consider investing in a large table and plenty of chairs.

This will also be good if you are planning on feeding your guests as well as at least some of them will want somewhere they can sit down to eat.


If you are catering the event yourself then make sure that you have plenty of glasses, otherwise you may need to keep washing up. Ensure that you have a good selection of drinks on hand, and don’t forget those who don’t drink, might be the designated driver or any children who will be there as well. If the weather is particularly hot, why not make a batch of refreshing non-alcoholic fruit cocktails and don’t forget to add plenty of ice to keep drinks cool for longer.

If you are planning food, then a barbeque is always a winner and keeps the heat out of the kitchen. Just add some salads and nice bread and there should be something for everyone. Remember to check if you have vegetarian guests attending and make sure you have something so them as well – you may want to consider cooking this on a separate grill to avoid any cross contamination. If you aren’t planning food, then don’t forget the nibbles to go with those drinks.


If you are inviting people who have not met before, or those who are nervous about socialising don’t forget to make sure you introduce them to your other guests. This will help to make them feel more comfortable and help your gathering go well. As people haven’t been able to meet up for such a long time there is sure to be plenty of catching up going on so if you do plan on playing any music then make sure that it is just on in the background and not too loud.


Finally, there is nothing worse than a loud gathering that you were not pre-warned about. If you are planning a gathering in your garden and not inviting the neighbours, why not drop them a polite message just letting them know. They are likely to appreciate the warning.